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Travel Trip and Cancellation Insurance plans

Travel & Trip Cancellation Insurance is strongly recommended. It should cover you for ALL pre-paid costs associated with your holiday from departure to returning. A change of plans, jobs, illness or family committments before departure is not unheard of. There are also costs whilst on tour associated with flight delays, baggage loss and injury or health issues.

You can generally get an adequate insurance quote from your own broker or purchase a policy on-line.

International travel can be an exciting adventure, but it can also bring many unpredictable situations if you should need medical care while you're abroad.

International insurance eases the stress of an unfamiliar culture or medical system. Whether you need individual coverage for a vacation, or group coverage for employees in locations around the world.

Please view the product descriptions of the international plans that are on offer carefully.

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Dear Richard

Just thought I should write and thank you for the lovely holiday we had 
cycling coast to coast. It was an experience that both Kay and I really 
enjoyed, we found it an excellent break and a super way to visit the 
countryside we passed through. We were both delighted with the interesting 
places you found for us to stay and they were all lovely. We will be 
recommending your services to our friends as it really made life easy for us 
and all the more enjoyable. Please make sure you keep booking the same weather 
that we had it was fine all week and made the whole trip that much easier.
Once again thank you and please pass on our thanks to the accommodations that 
you used for our visit. I should also mention that the Sherpa company did a 
great job with the luggage transfers.

Steve and Kay, Nottingham, UK.

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Steve & Kay
c2c bike tour